Monday, April 26, 2010

As Ever.

HELLO ELBOWTOE. My heart skipped more than a couple beats when I saw this ELBOWTOE on Saturday night at the Bergen Street stop. True, dat.


I was hoping that Chase was getting ready to clean their Jean Dubuffet sculpture, Group of Four Trees. I watched them do that in 2002, and it's a laborious, piece-by-piece process. The dismantling was almost a shocking thing to see. If I remember correctly it took a couple months. I unfortunately didn't have a camera then, so I was more than a little excited when I saw the scaffolding go up again.

Fake to the left though. I asked one of the maintenance people and it turns out that they're just protecting it from the construction they're doing on the building. Maybe they'll clean it after that. I can dream, can't I?