Monday, October 19, 2009

And Steelerbaby Wept.

Shepard Fairey @ The Warhol Saturday night.

I guess The Warhol Museum couldn't have timed their Shephard Fairey opening any better than this. Can't wait to see the show in December.

"I'm very disappointed with myself over this," [Fairey] said during an hour-long question-and-answer session about his career and influences.

While he said he couldn't comment much on the case, he described the issue as a mistake.

"There are some things being portrayed as if I was premeditative and sinister about which photo I used," he said. "That's not the case."

Most importantly, here's what a Steelerbaby supporter thinks about all this.


David said...

Yeah, the Steelerbaby has the right attitude: fair use is fair use, just don't lie about it. I'm looking forward to learning the whole story and why Fairey felt the need to lie.
Many of the Steelerbaby fans, on the other hand, are horribly annoying with their willful ignorance of intellectual property law: discussing the "fairness" of Fairey's trademark "OBEY" is irrelevant. He does have that trademark, and his lawyers would be negligent if they didn't defend his trademark. When I hear people say "you can't trademark a word!" I'm just like "but he did."
That all said, it's pretty shitty to trademark a word, whether English or Italian (I'm looking at you, Starbucks).

Anonymous said...

uh, really?