Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflections Of Reflections.

Oliver Halsman Rosenberg's Beloved at Mary Smith & Friends in Greenpoint.

I loved Oliver Halsman Rosenberg's odd and wonderful show at Little Cakes a few years ago. The centerpiece of the show was an exercise bike rigged up to a big wheel that spun around so the viewer could see the paintings at whatever pace they cared to, slowly or with a blur.

His new show, Beloved, is up for just a week at Mary Smith & Friends in Greenpoint. It's mostly by appointment (nights and wknds are best), but there will be a closing party next Sunday, Dec. 20th. All the work is from Oliver's year in India where he spent about as much money per month on food, lodging, and travel as an artist living in NYC would spend on a small studio. He had an open studio, of sorts. Traveling and working he immersed himself in the color and spirit of the country, letting all his reflections pour out onto a shifting varieties of canvasses that he found along the way. I posted a number of the works over the summer when out of a very lovely nowhere a CD appeared in my mailbox. Highly recommended. Make the call or send the email or stop by next Sunday. Do what you need to do, but see this glowing wonder of a show.

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