Saturday, April 21, 2007


Sometimes when I get my haircut I walk across White street and pass the Synagogue for the Arts. I plotz like a muthafucka every time.* Hands down, one of my favorite pieces of architecture in the city.

*I'm quite proud of myself. I just googled it, and it seems that this is the first time the phrase "plotz like a muthafucka" has been used on the internet. I rule.


Oliver said...

I just passed that the other day and thought the same thing too. Ever been inside? I wonder what its like...

Heart As Arena said...

On the inside. Check out the pic on the right. Amazing. What I love (and it happened today) is when you see a tourist walking through and getting stopped in their tracks.

Oliver said...

Nice. Looks like you are in a wicker basket with the lid off. Comfy spirituality.....