Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Let The Power Fall.

Just when you think that Marilyn Minter has it turned up all the way to 10 you find out that she has another stack of Marshalls hiding behind the curtain and she's waited until now to press the "Power" button. Witness her new edition (60) for Parkett, another c-print of Pamela Anderson. On the heels of her amazing print at Smith-Stewart last month this photo pushes out the magnetic poles of our collective consciousness even further. Let what might fall between fall between. The bubbly wet naked cliches pull against Anderson's age, freckles, and the true awkwardness of the shot. The longer I look at this photo the more grenades I see being lobbed at our bunker of conditioning. The shadows. The hair. Her eyelashes, especially the right one. The way the bottom and side crops shift the focus from the flesh to its secret physics. The more this photograph falls apart the more it comes together. The center is so not holding.

Color me in awe all over again. (And speaking of color, how great is it that the bubbles reference Minter's most recent palette? I have to say, I think it's pretty great.)

Hat tip to Art & Sex & Music via my main man, Cesar.


dave miller said...

bunker of conditioning = the monotonic = rinse. lather. repeat.

Heart As Arena said...

Ha! I had a brain blip and for a moment I forgot which post this comment was for and I thought you were making a joke about Punky Meadow's hair.