Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Bar To Open In DUMBO.

Galapagos is moving to DUMBO. Will it help? I ask that question in all directions, not including the one that includes self-server "real-estate king", Jed Walentas. This makes him look good all around, especially when he uses the phrase "burgeoning arts community" to sell another billion dollar condo overlooking the lovely BQE.


Anonymous said...

The artist have been pretty much kicked outta DUMBO. I was one of 'em, and it is just as well. Now it is a high-rise condo filled haven for young wealthy folks and their double-decker strollers.
Mr. Walentas knows as much about art as I know about reaal estate. As is evidenced by the waste of space he has given his wife--who made a huge carousel that is inoperable...just posing as art.

Heart As Arena said...

HA! That's his wife that's responsible for that?!?!?! What a tasteless dumbass. All it does is confuse the occasional tourist. Everybody else walks the fuck by. Peeds, you made my day with the truth behind that idiocy.